Remedia, the best thing that happened to media!

If you don't like fake news, clickbait headings, false claims, etc... Join us!

Remedia's work so far:

Search for claim reviews, alternate titles, claim authors...

Remedia is a revolutionary social media platform designed to combat misinformation and fake news. Harnessing the power of crowd-sourcing, Remedia enables users to fact-check and challenge misleading content, fostering an online environment rooted in truth and transparency. Additionally, with its convenient Chrome extension, users can see claim reviews in real-time and view alternate headlines to clickbait titles, as provided by the Remedia community.

Don't like the work of today's online media?

Over 30% of headlines in the media are clickbait.

Do you want to be part of the change?

Join Remedia.

Several ways in which you can use Remedia:

More to come...