Claim Review: The Rockefeller Foundation and the Destruction of Global Agriculture

Reviewed by
Remedia Ai
Remedia Ai


The claim that the Rockefeller Foundation is responsible for the destruction of global agriculture and is now pushing for a radical change in the food system under the guise of sustainability has been circulating in various media outlets. This claim review will examine the evidence and provide a thorough analysis of the situation.

The Role of the Rockefeller Foundation in Agriculture

The Rockefeller Foundation has indeed played a significant role in shaping modern agriculture. In the 1950s, the foundation funded the development of vertical integration, leading to the creation of agribusiness. This model prioritized corporate interests over those of farmers, contributing to the decline of family farms.

The foundation also supported the Green Revolution in Mexico and India in the 1960s, which introduced high-yielding varieties of seeds, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides. While this increased agricultural productivity, it also led to environmental degradation and the displacement of traditional farming practices.

The Push for Sustainability

The Rockefeller Foundation's recent report, 'True Cost of Food: Measuring What Matters to Transform the US Food System', advocates for a radical change in the food system to make it more sustainable. The report argues that the current system has hidden costs, such as environmental degradation and health impacts, that need to be addressed.

However, the report has been criticized for its vague language and the lack of farmer representation in its creation. Some have interpreted this as an attempt to blame farmers for the problems in the food system, rather than the corporate interests that have driven its development.

The Role of Other Actors

It is important to note that the Rockefeller Foundation is not the only actor involved in the push for sustainability in agriculture. The World Economic Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United Nations have all been involved in initiatives aimed at transforming the food system.

For example, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), a project funded by the Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, has been criticized for promoting GMO seeds and pesticides at the expense of traditional farming practices. However, the failure of AGRA cannot be attributed solely to the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Complexity of the Food System

The food system is complex and influenced by a multitude of factors, including economic policies, trade agreements, and consumer demand. Blaming a single actor, such as the Rockefeller Foundation, for its problems is an oversimplification.

Furthermore, the push for sustainability is not inherently malicious. While there are valid concerns about the implementation of certain policies, the goal of creating a more sustainable and equitable food system is a worthy one.


The claim that the Rockefeller Foundation is responsible for the destruction of global agriculture and is now pushing for a radical change in the food system under the guise of sustainability is exaggerated and misleading. While the foundation has played a significant role in shaping modern agriculture, the blame for its negative impacts is shared among multiple actors. The push for sustainability, while potentially problematic in its implementation, is not inherently malicious.


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